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Our Admissions Office will begin accepting elementary and preschool applications on February 1 for the upcoming new school year. Take advantage of Early Application Request and apply in January before the public! 

We invite you to get to know our school and campus through the following methods:

Attend an Admission Event

An organized, group event with SJES faculty and staff to explore our classrooms, music room, outdoor education area, makerspace, and more. See below for admission events currently being offered, if any.

Kindergarten Ready Coffee & Conversation
January 9, 2025 
9:00am - 10:00am
SJES Reading Specialist Nell Lawrence, SJES Kindergarten teacher Laura Harmon, SJES Director of Curriculum & Instruction Rachel Sirene and SJES Prekindergarten teacher Dawn Dinklocker will provide tips to help prepare your child for kindergarten. Adults only, please. RSVP required.

Preschool Pop-In!
Friday, January 17, 2025
Friday, February 7, 2025
9:30am - 10:30am
Pop in and experience SJES preschool for yourself!  Parents/guardians and children (ages 5 and under) will enjoy a music class, story time, unstructured play, and a craft activity (geared for ages 2+). Meet other adults with children while experiencing a piece of preschool!  Children must be accompanied by an adult. RSVP required.

Open House
Thursday, January 23, 5pm-7pm
Join us for an informal open house on Thursday, January 23.  Stop in between 5:00pm - 7:00pm for a chance to meet our teachers and administrators, take a tour, and ask any questions you might have.  Please let us know you're coming by RSVPing here. Children are welcome to attend. We look forward to meeting you!




Schedule a Personal Tour

A personal tour with an admissions team member on a school day to explore our classrooms, playroom, music room and more.  To schedule a tour, please email

Schedule a Phone Meeting

A one-on-one meeting with an admissions team member to talk about what SJES can offer your student in preschool 2 through grade 5.  To schedule a phone meeting, please email

Connect with Us on Social Media

We are actively interacting with our Saint James' community as always via FacebookInstagram and YouTube. Follow us and be a part of our wonderful community!

Take a Campus Tour

Curriculum Tour: Language Arts

Curriculum Tour: Math, Science and Outdoor Education

Curriculum Tour: Religious Formation, Responsive Classroom, and Explorations

2025-2026 Admiss