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We are committed to helping our families understand the value of an independent school education.  Our hope is that each year our parents feel as though their investment in a Saint James’ Episcopal School education is the best investment they've ever made. We invite you to consider all the financial strategies available to you, and also to talk to us about ways we can help.

  • Make a sustainable plan. You need a financial plan that not only works for preschool and/or elementary, but for the foreseeable future.
  • Reevaluate your priorities. Tuition might take the place of a new car payment, a larger mortgage, or an expensive vacation.
  • Use a VA-529.  Did you know you can now pay for your child’s K-12 independent education with pre-tax dollars? To learn more about VA-529 options, please refer to the VA-529 website or contact a financial advisor.
  • Compare apples to apples when evaluating costs.  Many independent schools have multiple fees that add to the total cost and can make them more expensive than they first appear. We are upfront about what your costs will be. View our tuition schedule with all fees below.

We believe that Saint James’ offers the highest value among local school options, and we believe your own research will lead you to the same conclusion. Learn more about the advantages of SJES and an independent school. 

Annual Tuition and Fee Schedule

The age cut-off date is September 30 for all classes.  The rates below are for the 2025-2026 school year.  

We also offer an Extended Day Program for all students.  Find Extended Day information and rates here.


2YO and 3YO Preschool (each class is 3 hours)
2 Day $3,740
3 Day $4,600
4 Day $6,320 (only offered to 3YO)
5 Day $7,900

4YO PREKINDERGARTEN (each class is 4 hours)
3 Day $5,660
4 Day $6,900
5 Day $8,910

KINDERGARTEN (8:15 AM - 2:15 PM)

GRADES 1 - 5 (8:15 AM - 3:15 PM)

PRESCHOOL FEE (non-refundable)

ELEMENTARY SCHOOL FEE (non-refundable)


Early Application Request Fee $150 (Optional, non-refundable and paid if and when requesting Early Application opportunity. Please note this fee is in addition to the application fee.)

Application Fee $150 (Non-refundable fee paid upon application submission)

Tuition varies based on type of program (preschool, kindergarten, or grades 1-5), number of days/week (preschool), and instruction time (preschool, kindergarten, or elementary). All preschool classes are three hours per day, unless otherwise noted.  

Tuition may be paid in full to Saint James’ Episcopal School by May 20; or by other increments via a payment plan set up through the online FACTS program. Tuition that is paid monthly will be due on either the 10th or 20th of the month (families choose the date that works best for them) with every May's tuition being applied to the next academic year’s May's tuition. By spreading out the payments over 10 months we keep the monthly costs lower for our families.

SJES provides a $500 sibling discount that continues even after siblings graduate from the 5th grade. 

Limited tuition assistance is available for qualifying families. Please contact the SJES Business Office at for more information.

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