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Volunteering is a tradition at Saint James’ and our families contribute countless hours sharing their talents and time through our Parents’ Association activities and other volunteer opportunities. If you are a parent, then you are automatically a member of the Saint James' Parents’ Association (SJPA). We welcome and encourage your participation. Being a part of this integral association at SJES offers the unique opportunity to get to know your fellow parents in a fun and purposeful way, as well as providing an excellent link between parents and the School’s administration.


The SJPA plans events which bring together parents in a way that is both fun and meaningful and not only raises money for the school but also builds community.  Some of these events include Back to School and Winter Bingo nights and various Spirit Nights throughout the year.

The Parents’ Association is also involved in various other community-building, educational, fundraising, and appreciation events:

  • Boo Hoo Breakfast
  • Community Service Efforts
  • Decking the School Halls
  • Love Your Teacher Week
  • Preschool Grand Friend Fall Festival
  • Preschool Field Day

Where can I learn more about the Saint James’ Parent Association?
You can access the SJPA on our website. The dates and times of events are included in the School’s online calendar and are announced in the School’s electronic news which is emailed to all families. The emails are the best way to stay informed of activities happening throughout the school year. Don’t forget to read them!

Volunteer Opportunities in the Classroom

  • Read to the class
  • Share about your career
  • Share about your culture
  • Do an activity with the class
  • Host a class party
  • Contribute snacks or supplies (ask your child's teacher)
  • Accompany the class on a field trip

Opportunities at/for the School

  • Set up and/or clean up a special event
  • Participate in Love Your Teacher Week
  • Help with any fundraising during the school year
  • Attend Parent Coffees and/ or supply refreshments
  • Contribute an item from the School Wish List
  • Work at the Book Fair
  • Attend or work at the Annual Gala, held the first Saturday in October

Each parent and/or family member is welcome and encouraged to volunteer in whatever capacity they choose.

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